Hello! Erina here! :D
chiyo, some of my friends and I are making smoothies(?) today!
tehee I can't decide is it smoothies or juice..
it consist of bananas and chocolate milk,
we also add some chocolate pudding! XD
it's delicious! too bad that chiyo and i,
don't bring any camera to take the photo
of the smoothies!
Its taste is better than how it looks though
teehee chiyo and I made that picture.. :D!
chiyo started it first,
then.. i think it would be good if we made it
until the paper is full!
actually we draw this picture last week
or the week before last week!?!?
but.. you see, it still haven't finished
until now! ^^a
we want to change our blog's theme..
well( ´∀`)maybe later ^^a
a theme that can make people know,,
that this is our blog!(;_・)
i think some people don't know that
there are two owners
of this blog.... XD?
well.. at last!
the midterm exam have finished already~~
i can relax now
even if the exam havent finished yet, i do still feel relaxed lol
teehee ^^v
watermelon? XD
about watermelon.. i hate how it has so many seeds~~~
but the fruit itself is.. good? delicious???
teehee Xd
okay theen,
i'll enjoy my friday night~~ (?)
Ba~i ba-i~~ :D?